Every Woman Should Have A Home

A woman has no home and no surname, yet she strives her best to make a home out of the place she is married into and attach the surname of the family she enters in relationship with. Amid all this, there are times when she still feels the urge to have a home of her own. This poem is about a mother telling her daughter about the way society treats a married woman and why she will need a home for herself.

Remembering what her mother told her,

She decided to defy the rule.

Remembering what her mother taught her,

She struggled to hold her plight.

Remembering what her mother lessoned her,

She decided to convey to her daughter turning fifteen.

"You will have to go to the man,

Who takes you as his bride,

You should know dear child,

The home where you grow is never yours,

The house where you will be taken in palanquin,

You can exit from there only on bier.

The words of my mother became bitter truth,

"Remember my child, woman have no home to call her own."

In this lifetime of mine I have realized this sad truth,

When my parents walked with me till palanquin,

They disappeared in dark clouds still alive,

The mother whom I hold to,

On every occasion joyous or sad,

The father whom I would look for,

Every morning when I would wake up,

Suddenly ceased to exist for me,

When I needed them the most.

But you my child must remember,

I defy this societal rule,

Every woman should have a home,

Where she could go when she needs to be herself.

Taboos follow when we go on vacation alone,

Even mingling with friends is sometimes considered wrong,

In the future when you would visit a restaurant on your own,

With people staring; you will find it hard to enjoy that cup of coffee,

You see we live in a town not so small,

Where a woman can go shopping alone,

But she can't order lunch for herself while she is alone.

The thing is that after marriage,

People begin to judge you at every step,

That is when you will need,

A home to call your own.

I don't know if it is possible or not,

But remember this home will always be your own."

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