On My Side Of The Road


A fear that lurks every girl, she wishes none to anyone yet can never escape one.

Radha was a fourteen year old girl. She was studying in tenth standard in L.S. Girls School

One evening she was returning home from her mathematics tuitions with her best friend Teresa.

“I hate trigonometry.” Teresa frowned.

“Don’t worry I am here to make it interesting for you.” Radha smiled looking at Teresa, at the same time switching side with her.

“Why do you always keep me on the safe side? Am I a child?” Teresa grunted.

“I don’t trust the way you walk.”  Just then a man in bicycle brought himself beside them pressing right breast of Radha and sped away. Radha at once turned back to shout at the man but he was far away and all she could see was his back and the bicycle.

“How the hell he could do this? Are you fine?” Teresa was angry and concerned at the same time.

Radha did not speak a word and they did not talk to each other on rest of their way to home. Radha did not speak about the incident to anyone in the house. Instead she pretended to have a headache and went to sleep. She cried and cried that whole night cursing the man and praying for his accident while he is riding that bicycle. She wanted him to lose that very hand with which he touched her.

Next day in school Radha was silent and did not greet her friends like she always did. Teresa became worried looking at her and Radha tried hard to avoid her.

“Radha today is Diya’s birthday. You did not buy a gift yet.” Radha’s mother asked her.

“I am not going.” Radha claimed.

“What happened to you? Before you never missed a single birthday party and kept nagging me for more money to buy gifts. Nowadays you just seem off.” Mother questioned.

“Mumma, people change over time and so have I.” Radha spoke in stern voice.

“These teenagers and there changing moods.” Mother went away mumbling.

Radha did well in her board’s exam. 91% was enough to get her into science stream. She chose her own school instead of switching to better options available in Malda.

“What is wrong with you? You can easily get admission in  Rastriya High School which has best faculty in science stream.” Teresa sounded disappointed.

“I don’t want to change school.” Radha was firm.

“Is it because it is co-ed?” Teresa enquired.

“I don’t have to answer all your stupid questions. I will do what is right for me.” Radha left fuming.

While Teresa scored decent marks and decided to pursue arts stream in Malda High Secondary School. They both would not see each other often. Radha did not make any new friend in school and was mostly engrossed in her books.

“You got 88 percent in boards. I want you to study in Pilani. Your masi stays there. She told me that there are better options in science stream.” Radha’s mother was excited.

“I am not going anywhere.” Radha replied bluntly.

“But I and you father are worried about you. You need to get out of your shell and explore the world.” Mother insisted.

“I know about this world. I am not going anywhere and that is final.”

Radha and Teresa again came together in college where Radha was doing her B.Sc. and Teresa was doing B.A. (Hons) in Political Science.

“It’s nice that we are in same college.” Teresa chirped.

“Yes.” Radha was impassive.

“Come on dear! It’s been long time. Why can’t we be friends like before?” Teresa questioned.

“Things change over time.” Radha tried hard to ignore her questions meanwhile Varun entered the campus.

“Hey Teresa! Nice to see you again.” Varun greeted.

“Hey Varun! Meet my friend Radha. She is doing B.Sc.” Varun offered his handshake.

“Hello!” Radha reluctantly did the handshake and left hurriedly.

“Am I looking like a ghost?” Varun jibed.

“She is shy.” Teresa laughed.

Though Radha tried to ignore Teresa yet she kept pestering her every other day.

“Let’s go to Mocha today. You will love the ambience.” Teresa asked.

“It’s been six months and you still keep asking me to go out. Don’t you feel insulted every time I refuse you?” Radha was bewildered.

“You were my best friend and I want my best friend back.” Teresa came out strong.

“Okay let’s meet at 6 today.” Radha sighed.

Radha was rather happy today. She felt someone was there for her in spite being grumpy all the time.

“Hey Radha.” Varun greeted.

“It is the best place in town.” Varun said joyfully.

Without saying a word Radha took Teresa’s hand and dragged her outside.

“Why is he here? I thought it was our time.” Radha snapped.

“He insisted and I could not say no to him.” Teresa kept her calm.

“But wasn’t it our day out------------.” Radha did some quick thinking.

“Wait! It was always him. You kept seeing me all these days for him. And I am stupid to think that at least someone in this world accepts me as I am.” Radha was wheezing.

“Radha stop all this nonsense. I love you more than anyone else in this world and there is no way to prove you this. But that one incident took our friendship apart.” Teresa was in tears.

“You were not on my side of the road that day. It was me. It has taken happiness out of my life. I can no longer talk to people without sounding rude. That incident has taken toll over my life. Don’t you see I can’t even talk to boys? Every moment when I think of that incident I feel my body burning like fire. I feel I could see the paralyzed body of that man somehow. I want to see him dead every moment.” Radha’s eyes were red. Then she started trembling and cried loudly. Teresa hugged her and cried along.

“I did not know you blamed me for not being in your place.” After few minutes Teresa asked, still holding Radha’s hand.

“Don’t be stupid. I love you and could not imagine something bad happening to you.” Radha sounded calm.

“Let’s go and party then.” Teresa dragged Radha by her arms.

Varun was standing in a distance watching two friends patch up and he had no intention to interrupt them. Teresa signaled him to come inside but he shook his head.

“Come on! Let’s celebrate.” Radha was loud as she looked at Varun.

Varun merrily joined the friends.


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